እንደገና ማከማቸት PS5 – የቅርብ ጊዜውን የ PS5 መልሶ ማግኛ መረጃ ለማግኘት እዚህ ይከታተሉ. Restock PS5 US Tweets by mattswider Restock…
PS6 ተጫዋች
PS5 የአክሲዮን ዩኬ Twitter – Given the scarcity of PS5 stock the best way of getting to the front of…
BT ሱቅ PS5 – The BT shop has had a delivery of PS5’s recently and stole a march on other…
PS6 ጨዋታዎች – PlayStation 6 is coming and given the PS5 stock issues it probably going to be almost…
PS5 ዩኬን የት መግዛት እችላለሁ? – የጨዋታ ቦታ 5 በመላው ዩኬ ውስጥ የአክሲዮን ተደራሽነት በጣም ጥብቅ ነው. Major UK…