PS7 Release Date – The Sony Playstation PS7 Console will be released in 2032 raha tazonina ireo banga eo anelanelan'ny famoahana console.
It’s likely the PS7 will include real high end virtual reality / metaverse style technology.
Your guess is a good as ours about what sort of tech will be available by then.
Sony dia nanoratra mari-pamantarana Playstation hatramin'ny PS11 ka mazava fa misy ny fikasana hitazomana ny isan'ireo vokatra.
Gaming trends and technology are move leaps and bounds with every passing year. It will not be wrong to say that we will experience brand new innovative features in the upcoming gaming consoles like Sony PlayStation 7.
na izany aza 2032 lavitra dia lavitra ary fantatry ny mpilalao fa ny konsole heverina ho mpitarika tsena dia mety ho levona atsy ho atsy, Atari, Commodore, Sega sns!
New features could include:
- 16k resolution (double what is available now)
- Metaverse style interactions
- 4D interactions maybe combined with full suitware
Current Sony Playstation console release are detailed below with PS6 still an estimate as is the PS7 Release Date.
Early PS7 Release?
It’s wholly possible that the PS7 will be released earlier given the global gaming market continue to grow exponetially.
Revenue generated from Sony’s game and network services amounted to 25.04 billion U.S. dollars in the company’s 2020 fiscal year, making it Sony’s largest business segment.
Sony will want to build on and maintain this sucesss.
Sony’s PlayStation division pulled in $24.87 billion for the calendar year, which compares to $16.28 billion for Microsoft and $15.3 billion for Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are massive, diversified companies with many unique business units, but these numbers pertain to each company’s gaming divisions specifically.
Sony also acquired Destiny developer Bungie for $3.6 billion and the more they can push gamers onto new consoles the more revenue they derive.