Mpukutu Pamwamba

Masewera a PS6

Masewera a PS6

Masewera a PS6 – PlayStation 6 akubwera ndikupatsidwa Katundu wa PS5 nkhani mwina zingakhale zosatheka kuzipeza zilipo kulikonse.

Nkhani yabwino ndiyakuti ena mwamasewera abwino kwambiri a PS6 alidi maudindo a PS5.

PS4 sikupita kulikonse ndipo PS5 ili ndi ulendo wautali.

Masewera a PS6

Pulogalamuyi ya Sony ili ndi laibulale yayikulu komanso yosangalatsa yamasewera azamavidiyo akulu akulu.

Tawonetsa masewera angapo abwino kwambiri a PS5 omwe akupezeka lero, ndipo iliyonse imagwirizana ndi PS6.

Wosewera aliyense ali ndi zomwe amakonda, but these titles are worth some time no matter what kind of gamer you are.

  • Explore (and Pillage) England

    Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
  • Risk and Reward

    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  • City Sim

    Cities: Skylines
  • Plagued


    A bloody weapon, an army of horrendous monsters, and one very bad night. Bloodborne is possibly the best game made in the vein of Dark Souls. It’s a spiritual successor that takes what worked about the original—ultrahard combat, ingenious storytelling, atmosphere oozing out of all corners—and weds it with unspeakable cosmic horror. There’s a little Lovecraft in here, a little Mary Shelley, and a little Bram Stoker. And a lot of genius.

  • Colossal Classic

    Shadow of the Colossus

    Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games ever made, and if you’ve never played it you owe it to yourself to check out this remastered version. Set in a barren, beautiful wasteland, SOTC makes drama out of minimalism, combining action-adventure gameplay with a series of breathtaking and harrowing boss encounters. Mabuku alembedwa za momwe masewerawa alili anzeru, ndipo chosinthira chimamasulira zonse mmaonekedwe owoneka bwino. Oyeretsa angasankhe choyambirira, koma ngati simunasewere konse, palibe chifukwa chabwino chosagwirira ichi.


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