Playstation Release Dates – These are the release dates of the Sony consoles:
- Playstation = December 3rd, 1994;
- Isikhululo sokudlala 2 = March 4th, 2000 = 1.918 days from PS1 (~5 years);
- Isikhululo sokudlala 3 = November 11th, 2006 = 2.443 days from PS2 (~7 years);
- Isikhululo sokudlala 4 = November 15th, 2013 = 2.561 days from PS3 (~7 years);
Based on that, the next consoles, If the names do not change as well, would come up on the following dates:
- Isikhululo sokudlala 5 = Released in December 2020;
- PS5 Pro = due to be released in March 2022
- PS6 Console = In July 4th, 2026;
- Isikhululo sokudlala 7 = In October 28th, 2032;
Ukuphuculwa kwePlaystation Consoles kuthande ukugxila ngakumbi kwihardware, ukwandisa Ugcino, Imizobo kunye neMemori, nto leyo engathethi ukuba abahlaziyi inkqubo, intsebenziswano, kunye noyilo lwee-consoles, ubukhulu becala abalawuli bakwaSony, zisoloko ziphuhla zibe ngcono, ihlala ivelisa izinto ezintsha.
Mhlawumbi i-XrossMediaBar ayisayi kuphinda ibekho okanye izakuvela. I-OS yabo ibhalwe ngaphakathi endlwini esekwe kwi-FreeBSD (Unix-like) kwaye mhlawumbi abayi kutshintsha. Imizobo, ihlala ikhethekile, there is no other console that can compete with the graphics of the Sony consoles, YET.